
  1. Admin

    What to Expect From Star Wars in 2022: The Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi and More

    Boba Fett leads an impressive slate of new Star Wars projects fans can expect in 2022! From misfit stormtroopers to a whole bunch of Mandalorians to the return of The Chosen One himself, Star Wars is adding to the canon in a major way in 2022, even with no new movies on the docket. Here’s a...
  2. Admin

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for Nintendo Switch Release Date Announced

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is coming to Nintendo Switch on November 11. The classic BioWare Star Wars RPG is coming to Nintendo Switch this year, joining several classic Star Wars games already on the system like Star Wars Episode 1: Racer and Star Wars Republic Commando. Knight...
  3. Admin

    Knights of the Old Republic Remake For PS5 Announced During Sony's PlayStation Showcase

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is being remade for modern consoles. It will be coming to PlayStation 5 as a console exclusive at launch, with other consoles possibly to be revealed at a later date.Aspyr will once again be handling development of the new remaster, following on from their...