
  1. Admin

    Metroid Dread - Development History Behind-the-Scenes Featurette

    The development team of Metroid Dread discusses the history of the franchise and its impact on their development of the latest 2D Metroid adventure. Continue reading...
  2. Admin

    The History Behind Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game

    You might be hearing a whispering right now that Scott Pilgrim is back. Social media is ablaze with people talking about Scott Pilgrim after years of silence. The reason being this online susussuration is that Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game is back after years of being unavailable. After...
  3. Admin

    The five best jokes in Borderlands history

    The Borderlands series could’ve gone in two directions, one is a gritty look at a semi-post-apocalyptic Western themed planet, and the other is a cartoonish explosive hilarious shooter with lashings of loot and a quip on its lips. As you no doubt know, we got the second. And having seen the...