
  1. Admin

    PUBG Going Free-To-Play Is ‘In No Way a Response’ to Fortnite and Apex Legends

    PUBG: Battlegrounds' recent decision to make the game free-to-play is "in no way a response" to similar successful free-to-play shooters such as Call of Duty: Warzone, Fortnite, and Apex Legends, who have all similarly adopted that model. During an interview with GamesRadar, studio creative...
  2. Admin

    Animal Crossing's DLC Is Great, But GTA on Switch... Not So Great - NVC 586

    Grand Theft Auto games are finally on Switch, but the result is less than grand. This week on NVC, join Seth Macy, Peer Schneider, Kat Bailey, and Reb Valentine as they break down the ports of the classic PS2 GTA trilogy. On a more positive note, Animal Crossing's DLC is great, and the panel...
  3. Admin

    Kena: Bridge of Spirits Is Another Great PS5 (and PS4) Game - Beyond Episode 718

    On this week's episode of IGN's weekly PlayStation show, Podcast Beyond!, host Jonathon Dornbush is joined by Brian Altano and Mitchell Saltzman to discuss Kena: Bridge of Spirits, another great console exclusive game for the PS4 and PS5 lineup. We jump into Mitchell's thoughts from his review...
  4. Admin

    The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - E3 Trailer

    Investigate crime scenes with Herlock Sholmes in this Phoenix Wright spinn-off, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, coming this July. Learn more about the gameplay and story in the newest The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles trailer. Continue reading...
  5. Y

    Accepted Darius Avarice - Whitelist Application

    Steam ID: You_Got_Wood. In-Game Name: Darius Avarice. Q: Have you ever played our server before? A: No. Steam Information: | steamname: deadboy2001 | steam3ID: [U:1:110417827] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:55208913 | steamID64: | customURL: |...
  6. Admin

    Scrolls just got a massive patch! Extra fun included

    Hey! I thought it was worth mentioning that Scrolls has just received a massive patch. All kinds of things have been improved, added, and tweaked. It’s more fun than it’s ever been before! Gary has written a great post outlining all the changes over at Give it a read, eh? Oh, and...