
  1. 4 Iconic Holiday Destinations for the Travelling Gamer

    For those of us who are prone to virtual cabin fever, staying cooped up in our bedrooms with the lights off bashing through the latest games — this article is for you. There are plenty of places on our fine planet that are worth the trip if you’re a gaming enthusiast, from second-hand software...
  2. Essential items for the traveling gamer

    Whether video games are your job or just a hobby, when you travel out of the country you need to make preparations. Whilst others can subsist on a diet of books and podcasts, long-haul flights also make for some mean gaming time, especially if you’re trying to catch-up on your RPG backlog. Even...
  3. Watch PC Gamer play Cobalt!

    Hello! Something cool happened yesterday. The nice chaps at PC Gamer hosted a Battle Royale of competitive one-screen fighting games, and they opened proceedings by playing Cobalt – a game developed by Oxeye Game Studios and published by Mojang. You can watch the showdown on their twitch...