
  1. 5 commute-friendly games to beat the pre-work blues

    Those of us who are unfortunate enough to have a commute to our place of work will know all too well the mind-numbing bore that is sitting on a train, bus or other variation of public transport, without something reliable to do. Lucky for the commuters reading this, you’re most likely gamers...
  2. A sneak peek at The Friendly Update’s piston power

    What’s coming in The Friendly Update - the much anticipated 0.15 update for Pocket / Windows 10 Edition? Crazy piston-powered contraptions aplenty! Watch the video above to see some of the redstone features coming soon to a pocket near you. Preferably your own pocket. The video was made for us...
  3. What’s in 0.15, The Friendly Update, for Pocket / Win 10?

    Who’s excited about 0.15, then? Judging by Shoghi’s inundated Twitter feed, quite a lot of you. We aren’t quite ready to tell you when it’ll launch, but we can tell you a few of the things you might find in it. We’ll be releasing an Android beta soon, so you’ll be able to explore some of the new...