
  1. Admin

    Nobody Saves the World Review

    How much I enjoyed Nobody Saves the World was constantly in flux as I played, which is somewhat appropriate given the transforming nature of its hero. The latest from Drinkbox Studios is a fun but uneven top-down action-RPG that has you somewhat clumsily swapping between 15 different unlockable...
  2. Admin

    Nobody Saves the World Hits Xbox, PC Later This Month

    Drinkbox Studios' new game Nobody Saves the World is a unique action-RPG that lets players take on the role of, well, Nobody, and transform into a host of different, wacky forms. And it's only a couple of weeks away from being released. The Guacamelee! developers announced that Nobody Saves...
  3. Admin

    Nobody Saves the World Devs Break Down How Customization Works

    Nobody Saves the World, the next game from Guacamelee developer Drinkbox Studios, is far from just about playing as Nobody, the Greendale Human Being-esque hero of this story. At the core of its gameplay, NSTW lets players transform Nobody into a series of unlockable forms, ranging from a rat...