
  1. Firewatch Five Years On: Retrospective and Ending Explained

    It’s been five years since game development supergroup Campo Santo launched its first game, the indie adventure Firewatch. The studio has been on a long road since, and has now been absorbed into Half-Life creators Valve. The studio’s talent has most recently lent its skills to the 2020 VR game...
  2. Hitman 3 Ending Explained

    One of the most interesting additions to 2021’s Hitman 3 is the clear focus on narrative storytelling. The first two games certainly provided a spine to follow, but the third entry doubles down, delving into Agent 47’s backstory and providing a meaningful resolution to the plot IO Interactive...
  3. Hitman 3: VR, Multiplayer and Episodic Structure Explained

    Agent 47 is back on assignment in 2021 and IO Interactive is not playing around in terms of how much content they’re baking into Hitman 3. With past missions being brought to the next-gen bundle alongside virtual reality support and more, there’s a lot to understand ahead of the game’s launch...
  4. Rocket League’s Ranking System Explained

    Since Rocket League went free-to-play last year there have been a number of changes and a whole load of new players too. With this also come updates to the ever evolving competitive ranking systems. Ranks Over the years the competitive scene has gone through a number of iterations for Rocket...
  5. Fortnite Performance Mode Explained

    With video games demanding more and more resources from your PC’s and taking up more hard drive space than ever before. It’s nice to see developers taking the time to address these issues by giving players the options for saving space and running games more efficiently. Fortnite is the latest...
  6. Outlast 2 Endings Explained

    Outlast 2 is a tough game to complete and even tougher is piecing together what its ending means. After facing terrifying foes, mind-twisting signals, and religious cults in the harsh Arizona desert, Blake finally finds his wife Lynn. It’s from there that the game spirals into an ending that...
  7. Madden NFL 21 Franchise Mode Explained

    If you’ve played any Madden game since Madden NFL 99, you’ll most likely be familiar with a series stalwart, Franchise Mode, where players can control their favorite team across multiple seasons, acting as an owner, coach or player. You’ll play matches, draft and scout new blood and control most...
  8. Resident Evil Resistance Multiplayer Explained

    One of the most interesting parts of the Resident Evil 3 package has to be Resistance, the experimental asymmetrical multiplayer mode that complements the narrative and bolsters the game’s replayability. In the game, you play as a troupe of survivors trying to get through a zombie-infested...
  9. Gears 5 Multiplayer, Ranks, Ranking System Explained

    Gears 5 multiplayer is arguably one of the best things about Microsoft’s fifth entry in its ultra-violent, cover shooter franchise. Rife with different modes and challenges, we’ve got everything you need to know about Gears 5 multiplayer, Gears 5 ranks and the Gears 5 ranking system. Lancers at...
  10. Control Ending Explained – What Happened To Jesse, Dylan, The Future of the Oldest House and Much More

    SPOILER WARNING – This article goes into depth on the ending of Control, so if you haven’t finished the game yet, be aware of the spoilers that follow from this point. Given the super dense lore of Control and the fact that, while prescriptive to a degree, Control’s ending nonetheless leaves...