
  1. Minecraft: Education Edition has launched!

    Hey! It’s been a long time coming! We announced it, created an Early Access version, and now… Minecraft: Education Edition has officially launched! Oh, and don’t worry if you don’t understand these words because Minecraft: Education Edition is available in 11 languages and a whopping 50...
  2. New intelligence: Education Edition arrives November 1!

    Earlier this year, we launched an early access version of Minecraft: Education Edition. It went pretty well! Some 15,000 students and teachers got involved, helping to make our Minecraft-based smartification tools even smarter than they already were. Now, we’re happy to announce that the full...
  3. Minecraft: Education Edition early access is here!

    Hello! You might remember us posting about Minecraft: Education Edition back in January. It’s a version of Minecraft designed to help educators teach all kinds of subjects. Now the time has finally come. If you’re blessed with a particularly hip and likeable teacher, Minecraft: Education...
  4. Get smarter! Minecraft: Education Edition on its way!

    Earlier this year, we announced Minecraft: Education Edition, a new version of Minecraft designed to help kids learn real good and make better brain-words about stuff. We’re pleased to say a Beta program will launch this May, involving over 100 schools from 30 countries all around the world...
  5. Announcing Minecraft: Education Edition

    Hello! News from a slightly different, arguably smarter, place today. We’re announcing Minecraft: Education Edition. Of course, every Minecraft player learns essential life-skills like tree-punching and good Creeper-defence but, when used in the right way, Minecraft can help people around the...