
  1. Dungeon Encounters: Square Enix’s Newest RPG is a Celebration of Old-School Active Time Battles

    Dungeon Encounters is directed by Hiroyuki Ito, involved in the creation of titles including Final Fantasy IV, V, XII, and Tactics. I started sweating a little bit as I began playing because not only is he well known for his work designing battle systems, but I was told that it was first and...
  2. Dungeon Encounters: Hands-On Preview - Tokyo Game Show 2021

    Dungeon Encounters is directed by Hiroyuki Ito, involved in the creation of titles including Final Fantasy IV, V, XII, and Tactics. I started sweating a little bit as I began playing because not only is he well known for his work designing battle systems, but I was told that it was first and...
  3. A

    Help Aggravate Out :D

    So I stopped playing LoL when they released Rumble, but I might start playing a bit more frequently soon, the only problem is that I have no idea what to expect from the new champions in terms of builds / counter builds, sure I could figure this out myself but I have you guys to help me :). If...
  4. New Champions discussion thread

    About every two weeks a new champion is released, it is always hard to make your mind between buying the new champion or waiting 2 weeks till it becomes apart of the free weekly rotation Discuss your opinion on the latest Champion and give advice to other LoL payers who are thinking about...