
  1. FAR: Changing Tides World Premiere Trailer

    From the creators of FAR: Lone Sails comes a sequel, FAR: Changing Tides. The trailer, showcased during the PC Gaming Show at E3 2021, suggests we should expect another unique vehicle adventure game. Continue reading...
  2. How Nintendo is “Changing The Game” by Merging Virtual Fun With Physical Activity

    Ever since the company’s establishment in 1889, Nintendo has been innovating in the games space. From playing cards to motion controls, Nintendo is known as the main publisher in games that captures the wistful childlike wonder of play, and in 2019 it’s plans are only becoming more experimental...
  3. Minecraft might be changing price in your region

    UPDATE: Amended graphic to read HONG KONG not HONK KONG. Money, eh? When it’s in your pocket it seems constant in value, but when you start comparing it to coins in pockets around the world, it seems to be worth more or less than before. That’s currency in a nutshell. That’s economics. It’s...