
  1. Server Information

    Staff List: Wren PM - STEAM Echo PM - STEAM Server Addresses: (type connect <address> into the console to join the server) TeamSpeak: Vote Page:
  2. How to apply for Moderator

    Requirements: You must be active and available on TeamSpeak whenever you are playing on the servers. No VAC bans on record. Create a thread in this forum section with your username somewhere in the title. Within the thread include the following information: Steam Profile: Age: Country of...
  3. Server Rules

    IN ADDITION TO THESE RULES, THE SAMETEEM GLOBAL RULES ALSO APPLY. GAMEPLAY Do not teamkill. Do not grief. (blocking, teamflashing, etc) COMMUNICATION Do not micspam. Do not spam chat. Do not abuse others. When you're dead, do not disrupt your teammates who are still alive. VOTING AND...
  4. CS:GO: Map voting system updates for the Competitive servers.

    Changes for servers 5, 6 and 7: Previously on the second to last round of a match you would be prompted to vote for a map. This vote has been removed. You can now nominate and RTV every single map in the pool bar the map that was previously played, no more choosing between maps no one wants to...
  5. Server Rules

    GENERAL No cheating or exploiting. No spamming. CREST PLACEMENT Do not place crests near the edge of the map on the bottom of the ocean (It's fine to place them onto the seabed, just not at the incredibly deep parts right at the edge of the map or along the cliff that drops down to that...
  6. S

    Denied Stormpooper

    SteamID64: 76561198130950925 IGN (In Game name) : Stormpooper Have you played our server before: No, was informed about this server by Bob Kjetil and i'd very much like to join and be a part of this community :) Additional Information: Have 2 friends on this server and i'd like to play with those
  7. Server Information

    Server Name: CRP-PVP WHITELISTED IP and port: TeamSpeak: Vote Page: Whitelist: It will be unwhitelisted again at some point but all those who have been whitelisted will stay that way. This means when we...
  8. How to apply for the whitelist

    First, read here: Create a thread in this forum section with your desired in-game name (IGN) as the title. Within the thread include the following information: ------------------------------------------ IGN (In Game name) : Have...
  9. Guide How to join us on multiplayer DOOM!

    Welcome to Zandronum! Leading the way in newschool multiplayer Doom online. Zandronum is a multiplayer oriented port, based off Skulltag, for Doom and Doom II by id Software. Zandronum brings classic Doom into the 21st century, maintaining the essence of what has made Doom great for so many...
  10. SameTeem Breaking Point server

    Everyone with dayz should get on the sameteem breaking point server. The Thread We're all going to play and I suppose create different alliances and betray eachother and ruin friendships and stuff. DOWNLOAD BREAKINGPOINT HERE Connect from the launcher to a random server Leave the random...
  11. DayZ Servers we frequent

    Hello folks. I'd like to share some server IP's for the servers we enjoy playing on: DayZ Namalsk - (0.73/100296) [VETERAN CH:ON NP:ON][GMT+2][Starting Gear][Bloodsuckers:ON][EVR:ON][Extra Vehicles][Active Admins]|DayZ.ST Namalsk is a DayZ map which combines the constant threats of...