
  1. Admin

    Doom Can Now Be Played On Twitter

    Over the years, fans have managed to port Doom to a number of weird and wonderful places. From popping up in Minecraft to running on an Apple Watch, the game's community constantly seems to be finding new ways to play the game. In perhaps one of the more inventive methods to allow fans access...
  2. Admin

    Apple Effectively Bans Fortnite From the App Store for Five Years

    Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney revealed that Apple has rejected the company’s request to re-instate Epic’s developer account, effectively banning Fortnite from returning to the App Store following the legal battle between Epic and Apple. Sweeney revealed on social media this morning a letter sent...
  3. Admin

    We're updating our legal documents

    Hello! We’re updating our EULAs, Brand and Asset Guidelines, and Website Account Terms today, as well as releasing some brand-new Commercial Use Guidelines. I know that’s an intimidating first sentence but you don’t need to panic. If you want to jump in at the deep end, view all of our legal...
  4. Admin

    We’re updating our legal documents

    Hello! We’re updating our EULAs, Brand and Asset Guidelines, and Website Account Terms today, as well as releasing some brand-new Commercial Use Guidelines. I know that’s an intimidating first sentence but you don’t need to panic. If you want to jump in at the deep end, view all of our legal...
  5. N

    Accepted Q

    IGN: NightQuencher Have you played our server before? No Steam Information: | steamname: NightQuencher | steam3ID: [U:1:201035719] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:100517859 | steamID64: | customURL: |...
  6. D

    Accepted Diomedes

    IGN (In Game name) : Diomedes Have you played our server before: No Steam information: Paste your SteamRep information here. Example : | steamname: Dayan | steam3ID: [U:1:45577833] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:22788916 | steamID64: | customURL: |...
  7. Nuttboii

    Pending Whitelist Application

    Hi Im with the Conky Clan :) SteamID64: 76561198100585257 Ign: Nuttboii Looking to play and enjoy a new game in a good friendly server with no hackers :)
  8. cameron

    Denied Reign of Kings App

    SteamID64: 76561198093490695 IGN (In Game name) : cameron Have you played our server before: No Additional Information: 17 years old, play all types of games, looking for a more serious type of reign of kings server
  9. J

    Accepted JMAN whitelist application

    IGN: JMAN SteamID64: 76561198067289039 have you ever played on our server before: yes other information: I got Reign of kings right after release after dayz role play died out and played on many public role play servers and eventually found the Same Teem server and loved it! I was on vacation...
  10. Hudijo

    Accepted Application

    IGN: Salipaavo SteamID64: 76561198140752355 Have you played our server before: no
  11. SteveTheSleeve

    Accepted Whitelist Application

    IGN: Steeve the Sleeve SteamID64: STEAM_0:0:110450137 Have you played our server before: Yes, before it was whitelisted.
  12. draqe

    Accepted Appilcation

    hello here are my informations IGN: draqe SteamID64: 76561197962107755 Have you played our server before: Yes, but on a friends account (Nick: Todesbauer) and i liked it. edit: sorry i've sent a wrong steamID, here are my correct inforamtions: IGN: draqe SteamID64: 76561198221855008 Have...
  13. Scrush

    Accepted Application

    Hello, here are my informations IGN: Scrush SteamID64: 76561198071629382 Have you played our server before: No Thank you.
  14. Admin

    Announcing Minecraft name changes

    Yes, it’s true! In the near future you will be able to change your Minecraft in-game name. When? When! When?! We plan to make name changing available on February 4th. What do I need to do this? Will it cost money? The only thing you need is a Mojang account. If you currently sign in to...
  15. Admin

    Minecraft 1.7.3 Pre-release

    It’s here! The pre-release is finally here! We’ll be expecting to push this live next week if we encounter no major issues. The most notable changes in 1.7.3 compared to 1.7.2 are as follows: Added integrated Twitch broadcasting! See below for details. Fixed render distances above 8 (may not...