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  1. Josrence

    GTA V

    Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh!!!!!!!Edit - it better be a huge city this time or I'm even more mad. :c
  2. Josrence

    GTA V

    lol yes m1
  3. Josrence

    GTA V

    No matter how disappointed I am that this GTA isn't set in the past, I'm definitely excited for San Andreas again. Las Venturas better be in it, or I'll be mad >:U
  4. Josrence

    MW3 or BF3

    Look closely at Echo's image for an easter egg. :)
  5. Josrence

    Vulcan Game Project!

    Soon, gentlemen. Soon.
  6. Josrence

    Aggression PvP Warzones!

    Play me the music of your people
  7. Josrence

    Vulcan Game Project!

    lol u mad?
  8. Josrence

    Facebook Group

    I liked the fuck out of this. I encourage you all to do the same.
  9. Josrence

    Quotes thread.

    Wat teh fack
  10. Josrence

    New Forum Style

    Minecraft theme ftw. Seems kinda like MC Forums, but that's alright because MC Forums sucks.
  11. Josrence

    Goddamn Noodle.

    If that's what I think it is, u mad?
  12. Josrence

    New Theme

    Lemme apologize for my gratuitous consumption of alcohol the prior evening. I thought it was quite funny at the time.As for being your bitch, baby why you never come home? :oops:
  13. Josrence

    New Theme

    KAY TOM. U WATCH DEM CAPS. ಠ_ಠYou're not going to be an intern for long You're not going to be an intern for long You're not going to be an intern for long You're not going to be an intern for long You're not going to be an intern for long
  14. Josrence

    My TS orchestra

    I wanted to necropost for this one thing - The 1812 Overture, sung with gutteral "Hnnnngh"s
  15. Josrence

    PvP Most Valuable Player Award discussion

    Hello guys. I have an idea which I can easily implement. At the end of the day, if there is someone on Aggression who has been agreeably badass and demonstrated teamwork and bravery, they should get a little bit of a reward for it.My idea is this - go out there, PvP like bosses, and try to...
  16. Josrence

    Quotes thread.

    Or something like that.
  17. Josrence

    Aggression PvP Warzones!

    If you can teach me how to make traps without too much redstone circuitry and no lag, yes. Otherwise, I can't do it for fear of making the server run poorly.
  18. Josrence

    New Forum Style

    Josrence44: Things are changing?Josrence44: Oooooohhhh Shhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-Josrence44 is no more
  19. Josrence

    New Theme
