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Level 35
Jul 3, 2011
Position Wanted [Admin/Moderator]: Moderator

Minecraft Name: SeaRex

Age: 14.

Timezone: EST (-5 GMT)

Relevant Experience: Story time:

Being that aggression has been awfully slow and Aggravate has been demoted, I have decided it would be best for the server if they had a suitable moderator. Why you ask? I'd rather not have a trolol being moderator. On aggression I had many good times, and bad. I started off with Wren when we found this server. We found a small hole that we would call our home or soon to be bunker. We logged for the night until the next day. The next day I suggest that we would leave the server, Wren being faithful suggest to stay. Those few seconds changed my life. After getting a small base set up we made a little town called Russia. I went to spawn and noticed the high profit for sugar cane, so we made a farm. We then expanded in which we could yield a full set of diamond armor in a harvest.

We attacked the well known city of Keystone, ran by scopulous. We attacked several times, got new rules made, and completely raped them. When the new aggression hit it came with a new map and a new host. Me, Daniel, and LLoydies made a faction called Assassins, which was later raped by RMM. After Assassins failed I made Russia. Russia was an unclaimed base. It was well hidden and could only be found by xray-ing or being told the cords. Russia and RMM found a common enemy, Bahamas. We lowered our swords, became allies, and attacked Bahamas. RMM spawn killed and destroyed them. This would be a short alliance but ended up being a smart one. We then found another common enemy, Mongowians. One day while herpying around I found their base, so we hoped on the RMM TS and gave them the cords, this was the downfall and the rise of NMR. We soon merged and defeated them. They were banned for several reasons, ie cheating. Then soon Deneruis or DENERUS or Den Den would join the server. He would be the first major hacker who was good at PvP when not using them. He would run out in 6v1's and win, at the time we couldn't prove anything thus we could now ban him until we had any form of solid proof. When we got the mxantiPvPcheat plugin the filled the page with PvPcheats, I'm sure Echo and Noodle remember this. He was then jailed and we had no strong enemy. Then came the day Luck3rs shot an arrow at us. We enemied them and raped them. They were scared, they ran in 2v1s, 3v2s, 4v3s, even on faction land. We fought this war for a couple days until the reset.

The reset changed everything.

I am a 14 year old boy who plays minecraft for mass amounts of time and enjoy it. I neglect school to be on aggression. I am currently in RMM and I also go on the RMM TS (on it now) I am also on the BoN TS. I have played this server for months as seen in the Story Time. I do know that I will have to be faction less but will improve the server as a moderator on doing some of the unfinished things like making the "Natural" warzones. And many unfinished projects of aggression. My past experience was another server by the name of Plox and a server by the name of Papercraft. I do hope that the admins take the time and read all of this. I hope I have proved myself worthy of Moderator as I have been on the mediator cycle for quite some time, I'd say a month or a couple of weeks.

I thank anyone who has read this far, ~SeaRex


Level 30
Jul 19, 2011
Sea was a mod in the past, he did a great job. Erskew isn't greatly active on the server, and I don't think we should really count him. I think Sea + Eric would make great moderators together, and I say we promote Sea.


Level 44
Jul 10, 2011
"I am a 14 year old boy who plays TF2 for mass amounts of time and enjoy it. I neglect school to be on TF2."
