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  1. BritishVampire

    Count to 1000

  2. BritishVampire

    Count to 1000

  3. BritishVampire


    Feel free to change the head and hands. But don't change the actual uniform.MilitaManMilitiaMan BandanaMilitaMan HelmetMilitiaMan Medic
  4. BritishVampire

    Forum needs moar cowbell.

    I thought he got banned because they had had enough of his shit not for hacks
  5. BritishVampire

    So WHY you banned me??

    well who the fuck are you? and why's this so important?
  6. BritishVampire

    RMM Recruitment read that then officer
  7. BritishVampire

    EVE Skills

    Saber Rotineque AttributesIntelligence: 22 Perception: 23 Charisma: 19 Willpower: 22 Memory: 23 Corporation Management Anchoring Corporation Management Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,000 Drones Combat Drone Operation Drone Durability Drone Navigation Drones Mining Drone...
  8. BritishVampire

    Suggestions For Aggression PVP

    I like the fact that you're all saying give them items to begin with... then 9 out of 10 new players go and fall in the lava around spawn.
  9. BritishVampire

    Suggestions For Aggression PVP

    You can make XP farms, they just can't be automatic in anyway. (as wren as already said)
  10. BritishVampire

    Suggestions For Aggression PVP

    Banned... Beasted
  11. BritishVampire


    Banned.... BEASTED
  12. BritishVampire

    Apply for Admin -Colindapieman

    Actually its called AggressionPvP
  13. BritishVampire

    Apply for Admin -Colindapieman

    And every RMM mediator were better than any scourge mediator... oh wait you didn't have any.
  14. BritishVampire

    Apply for Admin -Colindapieman

    Trying to Bribe?
  15. BritishVampire

    BuriedfoREVer [Jailed]

    he's not new...
  16. BritishVampire

    Suggestions For Aggression PVP

    iron viking was banned from the forums for raging... he even said he was ingame so STFU
  17. BritishVampire

    Suggestions For Aggression PVP

    aren't you banned from the forums?
  18. BritishVampire

    EVE Skills

    Saber Rotineque AttributesIntelligence: 23 Perception: 24 Charisma: 20 Willpower: 23 Memory: 24 Corporation Management Anchoring Corporation Management Total Skillpoints in Group: 1,000 Drones Combat Drone Operation Drone Durability Drone Navigation Drones Mining Drone Operation...