Recent content by Mr_Mushrooms

  1. M

    MW3 or BF3

    I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one as you seem to have never heard of Half-life and Counter Strike.
  2. M

    Starting Top Game Reviews

    There seems to be some friction here...
  3. M

    The Euro-American Friendship thread

    I think I need to post this to once again promote Soviet Russia, comrades.
  4. M

    The Euro-American Friendship thread

    Ah lolz
  5. M

    The Euro-American Friendship thread

    I never said it was a fact either, I said it was a statement.And now a awesome face :D to make everything better
  6. M

    The Euro-American Friendship thread

    that is the biggest fail of a statement I have ever seen, the holy grail is a myth from Briton King Arthur's time so tell how did it end up in a land that wasn't discovered yet? and also this is probably because the history channel are and always will be, american nationalists