Recent content by chris

  1. C

    addiego14 speed and auto click

    i recorded this but im not sure if he was really hacking or it was lag you watch you can see someone behind him not moving as fast as he is. He is also punching the entire time hes moving..
  2. C


    Where is Grammatical help from Cub_Nake?
  3. C


    Is it good now? Sorry for my outburst before.
  4. C


    lol one error and you flip
  5. C


    what the hell are you talking about?
  6. C

    shower room

    According to what you say you are 13 but if you were really 8 years older than i am that would make you 25.. I'm leaning towards you being 13 and you think that just cuz you've grown a single pube hair, you think your badass. Get a life.:rolleyes:
  7. C

    shower room

    who the fuck do you think you are? stop trollin meh!
  8. C


    Mobs in suits."Mobfia" started by one of our members looking for a different skin. This is because default is unpleasant, he chose a mob in a suit. The other Members liked the skin, and chose different mobs in suits. Since all of our members are currently family, in one way or another, we...
  9. C

    shower room

    wtf is your prob kid you just stick your nose and other peoples shit, noone likes you, you have no friends. now gtfo cuz you make this server look like its run by kids..That being said, sit alone in your house and stfu.
  10. C

    shower room

  11. C

    shower room

    um we arnt the same person and if you don't believe me run an ip check on us and our in game accouts then you'll see how wrong you are.. also i love how people jump to conclusions... Fail
  12. C

    shower room

  13. C

    shower room

  14. C

    shower room

    ironic since your in the shower room
  15. C

    jail appeal

    no i didn't..--- merged: Aug 11, 2011 at 8:42 PM ---