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RMM Recruitment


Level 47
Nov 26, 2010
If you wish to enlist for the RMM, this is the place to do so! You'll need to post a standard enlistment post, and a request for an interview on the RMM TS. If you pass this stage, you get to join the recruitment faction for one week, and if you pass strict standards enforced there (I at least will kick you for things I wouldn't kick normal members for) you get to join the actual clan.

- IGN: (Minecraft Name)

- Why do you wish to join the RMM?: (Please try to come up with a specific reason, not just "RMM seems to be good.")

- Your timezone?:

- Do you have TeamSpeak?:

-Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it?:

-Previous Minecraft Clan(s):

- Are you currently in another clan?:

- Why should we pick you?((Don't make a generic, one sentence response. What can you contribute to the clan?))

- Availability:((ex. Evenings and weekends EST))

Good luck Mentlegen and do not, I repeat do not contact me or anyone else in game about this. Of course something like "I've created an enlistment post, could you take a look?" is perfectly acceptable, but don't say something like "can i join rmm plzzzzzzzzzz?".

Protip: More z's doesn't make it better.
Aug 9, 2011
- Name: Purple_Penguin

- Why do you wish to join the RMM?: I would like to be in a faction with a lot of people, and more experienced players as I can tell this is a faction composed of more experienced players and I was not enjoying any of the previous clans I was in.

-What Battalion are you interested in?: 2nd Battalion, but I would also like to fight some.

- Do you have TeamSpeak and/or a microphone?: I can download TeamSpeak, I have Skype and a webcam, but no mic.

- Are you willing to use your microphone?: N/A

- Previous Minecraft Clan(s): Heavies, Eco, and requested to join TDB (did not join)

- Are you currently in another clan?: No.

- Why should we pick you?: I am an experienced builder, I prefer the bow and arrow (preferably because it is changing in the 1.8 update). I am a really outgoing player and I love to meet new people, and I really like to joke around with other people. I am a cave dweller, so if you want me to go mining, i'm here for ya ;)

- Availability: I am on Minecraft almost always in the morning, some during the day, and at night I live in Texas with Central time. I play roughly 6 hours a day, but will change when school starts in a week, will be cut down only to the weekends or when I have no homework.

- Rough estimate of when you started playing Minecraft: Last summer.

- Is English your first language?: Yes.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, if you aren't looking for someone like me, thanks for giving me a change.


Level 6
Aug 14, 2011
-Name: stumpy8888

-Why do you wish to join RMM?: Ive always wanted to be in a awsome clan like RMM because there is skilled players and great builders and most other clans have people that rob you and im happy to give my stuff away to RMM.

-What Battalion are you interested in?: Most likely Battalion 2.

-Do you have TeamSpeak and/or a Mic?: Im able to dowload TeamSpeak but at the moment I have no Mic.

-Are you willing to use you're Mic?: most likely Not because im not that much of a talker

-Previous Minecraft Clan (s): Heavies, Joserens, Tanjaroxur, TDBA, TDBT and TeamChaos.

-Are you currently in another clan?: Yes but it would'nt matter if i had to leave it.

-Why should we pick you?: I am a good sword fighter (not against hackers) i can build good houses and buildings but to be honest dont give me a bow and arrows because im not good with a bow.

-Availability: During school days ill most likely be on 1 to 3 hours a day but during weekends i could be on for about 1 to 7 hours, And i live in Australia.

-Rough estimate of when you started playing minecraft: about last year on August

-Is English you're first language?: Yes

I hope you liked my application, thanks for taking you're time up to read this even if you dont like me im still gonna say Thank you, for giving me out of all the people a chance:D


Level 46
Sep 29, 2010
Accepted for the RMM recruit battalion. Welcome to the ranks of the Royal Minecraft Militia Recruit Stumpy8888. Report to teamspeak for training when an officer is online. Create an account on forum.bowlofnoodles.net and re-post your enlistment.
Aug 20, 2011
Name: zombiekiller444.

Why do you want to join RRM?: every server i go on i join a clan thats crappy boring and has no skill but RMM i really want to join beacause good builders, trustable player and ive always wanted to be in a good faction when were fighting on the field.

What battalion are you interested in?: 2nd battalion.

Do you have teamspeak a mic?: i would be able to download teamspeak but i have no mic.

Are you willing to use your mic?: even if i did have a mic i much rather typing.

What are your previous clan (s)?: i am new to this server so i havent been in any clans but ive fought in 100s of battles on other servers in other clans.

Are you currently in another clan?: no i am not

Why should we pick you?: im good at PvP and building i can also mine, farm,hunt and get resources

Availability?: im available usaully 2 hours on monday, other weekdays 3-5 hours, weekend 1-9 hours, i live in Australia.

Rough estimate of when you started playing minecraft?: been play since around beta 1.2

Is english you first language: Yes

Thanks for taking to read this.


Level 4
Aug 21, 2011
Name: Coreyj55

- Why do you wish to join the RMM?: I joined recruits during a war and i liked the way it was run, also i ran into some actual RMM faction members and really saw these were a well leveled group of people

- What Battalion are you interested in?: Any Battalion i will fight when called on in an organized manner to win the war!

- Your timezone?:Eastern Atlantic ( United States,New Jersey)

- Do you have TeamSpeak and/or a microphone?:I have a microphone i am un-aware how to use teampseak

- Are you willing to use your microphone?:Yes

- Previous Minecraft Clan(s): Chemcel ( COnstantly changing name) falsely accused of stealing and was kicked from clan

- Are you currently in another clan?:RMM Recruits haha

- Why should we pick you?:Im a skilled fight who loves RMM and is willing to risk it all for there glory

- Availability: Uh im pretty busy this summer with football but you can catch me anytime really

- Rough estimate of when you started playing Minecraft: last year around October

- Is English your first language?: English


Level 1
Jul 17, 2011
- Name: Oxxygenn14

- Why do you wish to join the RMM?: Mining and Building is much more fun in a large group, and i wish to expand on my skills.

- Your timezone?: -7 GMT i think, Canada moutain time

- Do you have Teamspeak and/or a microphone?: yes

- Are you willing to use your microphone?: Yes.

- Previous minecraft clans? no

- Are you currently in another clan?: rmm recruit

- Why should we pick you?: I am an excellent miner and i feel that i have very good building skills

- Rough estimate of when you started playing Minecraft: During patch 1.2-ish i think

- Is English your first language?: Yes Indeed!


Level 44
Jul 23, 2010
lololololllloloooll, because back in the day, my application was informal.

- Name: Ecnersoj

- Why do you wish to join the RMM?: I would like to play Minecraft with like-minded fellows in a team-based environment. I would like to better my skills while supporting my clanmates.

- What Battalion are you interested in?: Since you don't have battalions any more, this question is seemingly unrelated. If it were still around, I would join Second Battalion.

- Do you have TeamSpeak and/or a microphone?: I have both.

- Are you willing to use your microphone?: Yes.

- Previous Minecraft Clan(s): Victory Clan

- Are you currently in another clan?: RMM lol.

- Why should we pick you?: I am one of the three members of the Victory Clan that still plays Minecraft. I enjoy building and collaborating in building projects.

- Availability: Weeknights.

- Rough estimate of when you started playing Minecraft: I have played this game since November 2009.

- Is English your first language?: Yes.


Level 0
Sep 1, 2011
-Name: piedude34

-Why do you wish to join RMM?: I would like to join because in my time on the server i have seen how cool the RMM can be. I would love to be in such a clan were the people aren't jerks like other how other clans are.

-Battalion: Squad 2

-Timezone: Eastern

-TeamSpeak and/or Microphone?: I have TeamSpeak and a microphone.

-Are you willing to use your microphone: Yes I am willing to use it.

-Previous Minecraft Clan(s): I haven't been in any.

- Are you currently in another clan?: No i am not.

- Why should we pick you?:I think you should pick me because i love to PvP and build. I would like to make a lot of friends on this server and joke with them, and i think the best way to do this is to try to join the clan.

- Availability: Weeknights and weekends.

- Rough estimate of when you started playing Minecraft: I have played Minecraft since Indev.

-Is English your first language?: Yes but, I also speak some Spanish.
Jan 29, 2011

We want YOU!!

Apply TODAY and get a GUARANTEED position in the RMM Recruit Faction the day aggression turns to 1.8.(only if you do a serious application)​

If you show good conduct and follow our rules and the server's,within a WEEK you should be promoted into the RMM.​

Seeing as it will be a new map we will even accept people from other factions,​

unless you are sworn enemies like NMR. We also won't accept serial rule breakers.​

For this SPECIAL OFFER use this application form, not the one in the OP.​

- IGN: (Minecraft Name)​

- Why do you wish to join the RMM?:

- Your timezone?:

- Do you have TeamSpeak?:

-Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it?:

- Previous Minecraft Clan(s):

- Are you currently in another clan?:

- Why should we pick you?((Don't make a generic, one sentence response. What can you contribute to the clan?))​

- Availability:((ex. Evenings and weekends EST))​

We will begin adding the people who havn't been in a faction right away, but the​

people in a faction will have to wait untill 1.8 when we have nothing.​

Note that if we catch you stealing anything as we build up our resources, or otherwise betraying the trust of the clan, you will be kicked and hunted down. Also, we don't tolerate hacking, so if you are found to be guilty, don't expect us to don't expect us to support you. You do the crime, you deal with the punishments.The RMM does not provide special treatment to those who violate any server's rules.​


Level 21
Jul 16, 2011
Hello, I'd like to apply for RMM Recruit. I am using britishvampire's special offer.​

- IGN: (Minecraft Name) Snowyblitz​

- Why do you wish to join the RMM?:

As many of you guys know already, I'm the leader of the RAWR faction: a faction that is a faithful ally to the RMM. After the constant debating between members about leadership and opinions, it was decided that RAWR would be abandoned and we go our seperate ways. I would like to join the RMM because they exceed many others in a variety of things, such as team unity, structure, Minecraft skill and the members are awesome.​

A summary of why I want to join:​

1) RMM has a lot of nice members. All the RMM members I've seen on the server have a good sense of humour and are very friendly. I hope I can join so I can enjoy their company even more.​

2) RMM is a strong faction. They have many members, resources and in general, their members are good at PvP. I feel that I can contribute to your cause and I will do whatever is asked of me.​

3) RMM's structure and focus on the meaning of a team is outstanding. Mining, fighting, building and exploring as a team is something I would really enjoy. I like your how your faction is structured and that your members get along very well, something that RAWR did not have.​

- Your timezone?: GMT +8 (Perth, Australia)

- Do you have TeamSpeak?: Yes.

-Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it?: Yes and Maybe. (I'm a little bit shy).

- Previous Minecraft Clan(s): RAWR

- Are you currently in another clan?: No.

- Why should we pick you?((Don't make a generic, one sentence response. What can you contribute to the clan?))​

RMM should pick me because of a variety of reasons.​

1) I'm a good listener. I'm open to suggestions and I'm prepared to follow orders and rules with enthusiasm.​

2) I'm a very kind person. I'm polite and friendly, welcoming new people to the server. I do not swear/cuss and I usually type with correct spelling.​

3) I am prepared to contribute to RMM in any way possible. Be it mine, chop trees, build or fight. I will be a dedicated member.​

4) I am a decent PvPer. Many of you would have seen me in the battlefield. I have won a few uneven matches like 3 v 1.​

5) I hate NMR with a passion.​

- Availability:((ex. Evenings and weekends EST))​

I have school and sporting commitments so I can only be online for around 30-45 minutes on weekdays but on Fridays/weekends I can be online for a VERY long time during the afternoon, evening or night (GMT +8 time).​

Thank you for reading my application and I hope I will be accepted so I can show RMM that I am worthy! :)

EDIT: I have noticed a lot of RAWR members are applying for RMMrecruit and I whole-heartedly vouch for them. I promise what they are saying is true and accurate, and I hope they are all accepted because they are great guys. One of the main reasons RAWR split was because we were in-real-life friends and this lead to drama and not taking things seriously. Joining RMMrecruit would mean these would be abolished and we all would contribute our skills to RMM.​


Level 21
Jul 16, 2011
Yeah i argued with my in real life friends, and they decided to leave so their wouldnt be any fights. They asked me to come with them, but i didnt want to so RAWR could keep its name, but i guess now it wont be as good :(


Level 30
Staff member
Jul 20, 2011
- IGN: ericextreem​

- Why do you wish to join the RMM?: around Aggression i am not really known to be mean.​

My current faction (RAWR) has been broken up because of several disputes regarding the faction leader and one of the mods. so as seen, i would like to enlist in the RMM because i hone skills i feel may help you. I am very creative ( VERY!) and i use trickery to help me the most. i am fine in and on the battlefield but, i exceed on the building aspect of minecraft. I think this is why i would like to join grand faction. i enjoy joking with most of the players in RMM, and so i think i would like to take part in the rise of RMM

- Your timezone?: EST (USA)

- Do you have TeamSpeak?: Yes

-Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it?: Yes. almost anytime i play minecraft

- Previous Minecraft Clan(s): RAWR, Saints

- Are you currently in another clan?: No

- Why should we pick you?: as stated on why i wanna join, i feel that my skills are acceptable enough to benefit RMM quite alot. I take pride in what i build and i feel as though i may not cause an annoyance of displease any members of RMM. i can listen fairly well, i do as im told without revolting. i can dedicate my self very much so to the RMM and i am extremely trust worthy. i will never betray or steal what is not given to me. as put last, i am on alot. Im on more than most humans are awake. school and minecraft are balanced, but i play minecraft every night for extended periods and i get what ever i need to do done.​

- Availability:(Weekdays) from 7pm to more or less 3 am. (Weekends) every minute of the day.​


Level 2
Aug 24, 2011
- IGN: dewsbury123​

- Why do you wish to join the RMM?:

I was part of RAWR, which split up because of alot of difference of opinion among the members. Also, I beleive that RMM is an excellent faction with a very good PvP and building reputation. The RMM members are also very nice and very much a team faction. They work as a team, even though individually they are all very good. I would love to be part of this.​

- Your timezone?: GMT +8​

- Do you have TeamSpeak?: Yes​

-Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it?: No, but i will have one by 1.8, and will be willing to use it.​

- Previous Minecraft Clan(s): RAWR, ally of RMM.​

- Are you currently in another clan?: No.​

- Why should we pick you? Because as stumpy8888 says, "Dews is a wonderful fighter, and a really good team player." I listen to and and follow the instructions of higher ranks (ask Snowyblitz), and I always play as part of a team, and don't act like I am the star individual. Also, I will do anything that the team needs done, for example, mining, nethering, building, whatever you want. Also, I hate many of the factions that RMM are enemied with, including Luck3rs, NMR, and Sl4bs, and love factions like USSR and Inspire.​

- Availability: All days of the average weekday, except maybe some days, when I will have things on and I play ALOT on weekends.​

I hope I can prove to you guys that I would be a valuable member of RMM.​


Level 0
Sep 14, 2011
Name: askemi4

- Why do you wish to join the RMM?: I would like to join RMM Recruit because I have wanted to be in a faction that each individual is talented but they all play as a team. I also want to join RMM recruit because they have a good reputation of pvping and building. Unfortunately all of RAWR have left to join RMM so all of my in real life friends (that play minecraft) are going to write an application for RMM. In Rawr we had a few arguements so I wanted to go to this environment which is friendly, polite and well mannered.

Your timezone?: GMT+8

Do you have TeamSpeak and/or a microphone?: Unfortunately I don't have teamspeak or a microphone.

Are you willing to use your microphone?: In the future I will hopefully get a microphone.

Previous Minecraft Clan(s): My previous clan was RAWR

Are you currently in another clan?: No, I am currently in no team.

Why should we pick you?: RMM should pick me because of a variety of reasons.

1)I am very loyal and i will not betray.

2)I will do whatever you want me to do with enthusiasm and without backchatting.

3)I am a good miner and good at nethering.

4) I am friendly and polite.

5) I will obey all the rules that RMM set.

Availability: I can play between 2-3 hours on weekdays and Can play pretty much all Saturday and the afternoon and evening on Sundays.