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Cobalt team reveal first official mod & new controls

Holy moly! Those busy bees at Oxeye Studios have been rebuilding their amazing robot-blastin’ game, Cobalt, improving the engine and redesigning the controls to accommodate mouse-aim and WASD. That would be enough by itself, but they’ve also repurposed Cobalt’s core to create a massive, new, competitive team-based bomb-defusal game using new and improved modding tools - that will be available to all to use. Ooh!

The new gametype is a sort of side-scrolling Counter-Strike with somersaulting robots and it’s really, really good. They plan to release the whole lot on Steam in one sumptuous package. PC FTW!

“It’s awesome!” is the official quote from Oxeye Studios’ exceptionally handsome Pontus Hammarberg, and he’s not wrong.

Whet your appetite? Check out these unedited matches between Pontus and his equally handsome dev-buddy, Daniel Brynolf. Intense stuff! ROBO-STUFF.

Keep your scanning-sensors active for more details!

Marsh - @marshdavies

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