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UNOFFICIAL Aggression Feedback


Level 44
Jul 10, 2011
Why do you play on Aggression?

It's as simple as that, what do you like? hate? What needs to be improved? What needs to be continued with? Tell a story if you want, just give some feedback.

I don't lag, cheaters and hackers are dealt with, the community is hilarious. I loved the events back when we had them, the server is smooth in all senses, it's excellent. Lack of events made me sad however.

The only real downer for me is declining players, and that's why I'm asking for some unofficial feedback, what needs to happen? What's causing the decline? Why are you getting bored? Why are you still here?


Level 14
Dec 9, 2011
I play Aggression because back in 1.8 I got introduced to it and enjoyed playing it and I enjoyed how the community was full of funny people. I don't lag at all and never really have done and I also enjoyed it when there was alot of PVP and we used to raid and raid bases like RMM but then once we got there they just WIDPO into there base. The problem is I think is what You said Wren the lack of players on the server and what I think is causing the decline is just people killing the new people who join so they don't get a chance to build a base and just lose everything all the time.... I think they find that annoying. I think new players should have to type a command to turn there pvp on forever so they can get like a day of building in before people start killing them if it's possible to do. I'm still on the server because I really enjoy it with the PVP and factions and all the lovely people on it (apart from speechless chicken) The only other downside of the server is the admins because they think they're better than me at games but they're actually shit and need to get on COD 4 where they'll get beasted.:p


Level 10
Jul 11, 2011
I joined Aggression in June back when it was towny. It was a fun experience and I was surprised at the amount of activity amongst the players, everybody was out n' about constructing, participating in group combat, it was great. Unfortunately myself and the staff have been pretty unfriendly towards eachother in the past , I am trying to fix this but was recently banned again for using alternative accounts to boost power, did not realise how this would affect others, completely my fault. The community is completely great and the admins make sure to deal with people correctly.

The playerbase is declining because people think that this is only a temporary map. The spawn does not have any facilities such as shops or an appropriate place for players to participate in combat. I have heard lots of people say "I'm not playing until the actual map is up because I'm not wasting time if my faction is going to be reset".
I think that we need to make a Minestatus page, fix spawn and get the admins and former players actively online.


Level 46
Sep 29, 2010
I joined because RMM. I stayed because of the events and PvP. I went inactive because of map resets, lack of events and the factions plugin preventing PvP. Bases and factions are unbalanced when groups are larger than 10. I'd prefer some method of preventing friendly fire without impenetrable bases; however, it needs to work with minimum admin input. Bringing events back on a regular basis will pull people like crazy.


Level 21
Jul 16, 2011
Ah I remember what brought me to this server. Such a shame that no one is ever on anymore.
I remember the day Mark, dews, askemi4 and sheedabeeva joined this server. It was Beta 1.5: food was instant and diamond swords could kill in 2 hits. We were very surprised. No other server said welcome and helped their players. We were amazed at the playerbase at that time. I think it was 50 people on all the time. When we ran out of the spawn, we were attacked by countless players. It didn't matter. It meant that this server had a very active pvp community, which we loved. We never really lagged. Then it all started going down-hill after 1.8.1. The player base was declining, and the maps kept being reset. I joined the RMM, which kept me on this server for a while. However, one day it had to end. Now, whenever I look on Minestatus, I see a server that has seen better days. I believe the introduction of more events and more encouragement for pvp (I hate seeing noobs crouching on the spawn-wall) will make this server great again.



Level 10
Sep 11, 2011
Things I liked about old aggression

The Spawn
- Yes I loved it, you could run out and pvp just like that with no problem. Great way to gain items.

The Spawn Bases
- very fun and nice looking, aslo gave an edge to older larger factions.

Free Faction
- I loved creating factions when every I wanted to, it let noobs group together so bigger factions could get more stuff.

- this allowed me to trap my enemies easy and had a other good tricks too, this also allowed RMM to build a super brige.