Hello... So I used to log into the TS and talk to my friend while we played... Apparently, something happened that caused the usually dark blue dot to go red and I got poked by a few people and PMed by an admin, I told the admin it was probably my binds and disconnected to solve it or something. When I deleted all of them, I try to reconnect and I am banned for 'XOXOXO'... Can I be unbanned?
P.S: TS nickname was "Devil (Faucher)" (without the quotation marks ofc)
EDIT: Was unbanned... Thanks! Can be locked.
EDIT2: Gonna let this stay... I am not able to join any channel. Apparently, I have this 'denied whispers' role which prevents me from joining channels, poking etcetera... Help?
P.S: TS nickname was "Devil (Faucher)" (without the quotation marks ofc)
EDIT: Was unbanned... Thanks! Can be locked.
EDIT2: Gonna let this stay... I am not able to join any channel. Apparently, I have this 'denied whispers' role which prevents me from joining channels, poking etcetera... Help?
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