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TheJFX, Ban appeal


Level 3
Jul 27, 2011
Why, might you ask, am I sitting here in the wee hours of the morning, so solidly constructing an essay on this server? Well, It may have to do with my passion for punishment, but that is besides the point.

I have been banned.

But JFX, you are such a fine young fellow, why would you ever be banned?!

It seems I was banned for belittling an admin's greatest triumph.

But first, The fore-story, just so that this must be read and responded to.

I have been playing this server for naught but two days. However, I have felt the ups and downs, from fisticuffs to diamond blades, and raw meat to the finest gilded apples. This server has a unique draw as compared to my typical fare, in the faction system.

I love the faction system.

However, it has come to light some very serious problems with this joyous addition to Minecraft.

First, I would like to cite the USSR and Spartans complaints as completely legitimate and well-founded. The RMM faction was suddenly able to take land which was before untakeable, claim land which was before unclaimable, and generally be giant dicks. In doing so, they left much evidence of this illegal action. Even now, if you use the fMap command, you will see RMM buildings in the "warzone" territory. This was the basis of the argument tonight.

Now, my good friends, you ask me,

"JFX, but the solution is so simple! The admins will simply fix the territory boundaries and life will go on!"

Sadly, this is not the case. Due to some twisted, dark, and devilish deceiving, It seems that the reason RMM gained this new land had something to do with illegal admin favoritism.

Ahhhh, and here comes the best part.

This, again, is proven in the Logfiles, which Echo refuses to unveil.

So, back to the point at hand.

We have JFX, this marker represents him. '*'

We have RMM, #

Spartans, &

And USSR, @

Which are vaguely arranged in something like this.



(Notice the lack of JFX)

The next day, we have this.




I, luckily, found a piece of unclaimed land inside of the new RMM territories.

This is how I became involved in this massive squabble.

After a short fight, I lost my terroitory to Spartans, who then attempted to give it back, at which point RMM stole it.

Now we have this.




Get the idea?

I then began to get involved in the argument about why RMM had this new land, and why Echo would not release the information on the original claimer etc etc.

During this argument, Echo unjailed a jailed person who had finished his time. He then proclaimed "+1 person helped"

I explained that he was an admin, and asked him if he wanted a cookie.

I am now banned.

So, as far as I can tell, I was banned because Echo is attempting to protect RMM interests while avoiding incriminating himself or others as the cause of this fiasco. I was banned because I belittled an immature admins necessary actions in his course of duty, which he considered to be above and beyond the call. I was banned due to my inability to such a massive injustice go.

I therefore do not believe he should be an admin any longer.

Other things discussed included Faction member limits and such. I would recommend looking at 73554b's posts on the matter.

For now, This is my ban appeal request. More of an informative research paper, but whatever.

I'm going to bed.


Level 50
Staff member
Feb 16, 2011
Posting here proves you did not read the rules, staff complaints go to noodle in a PM.

We do NOT have to release any logs to your just because you say so, I told you I would discuss this with the admins to see why this had happened but that was not good enough for you or 73.

I find it funny you complain about the RMM having land in a supposed warzone when you found it perfectly fine to claim some of this supposed warzone as well as thinking that it is fine for the Spartans to do the same and the release that same land back to you. As for RMM "stealing" it, it was wilderness when it was claimed, this is a PvP server, if you were too slow to claim it back after Spartans unclaimed it that is your fault. Additionally you built this base right in front of the RMM outpost, if you think they would just let you do that without trying to claim it back you were sadly mistaken.

I also find your explanation of cookies interesting because I remember it something like this, funny you forget to mention the spam and swearing in your explanation.


As it was explained in the server, you claim that RMM hacked to get this territory although you can actually provide no proof. As explained to 73 on the server 5 hours ago when i got up there could be reasons other than hacking for gaining that land

  1. Factions was updated yesterday to the newest version, possible bug in the new version.
  2. Admins could have moved the warzone closer to spawn as it was in the older days.
  3. RMM glitching/exploiting the system.

On top of that you decided, after being warned to put this on the forums, to continue the argument in chat


Also comparing admin favouritism to law, that's funny.


Level 3
Jul 27, 2011
Posting here proves you did not read the rules, staff complaints go to noodle in a PM.

I find it funny you complain about the RMM having land in a supposed warzone when you found it perfectly fine to claim some of this supposed warzone as well as thinking that it is fine for the Spartans to do the same. As for RMM "stealing" it, it was wilderness when it was claimed, this is a PvP server, if you were too slow to claim it back after spartans unclaimed it that is your fault.

I also find your explanation of cookies interesting because I remember it something like this, funny you forget to mention the spam and swearing in your explanation.


As it was explained in the server, you claim that RMM hacked to get this territory although you can actually provide no proof. As explained to 73 on the server 5 hours ago when i got up there could be reasons other than hacking for gaining that land

  1. Factions was updated yesterday to the newest version, possible bug in the new version.
  2. Admins could have moved the warzone closer to spawn as it was in the older days.

On top of that you decided after being warned to put this on the forums to continue the argument in chat


I'm sorry, am I putting something out in a public forum that you wish to repress? I apologize.

My faction isn't one of the major ones, as I said I'm new to the server, I didn't even know of the issue until later. Which isn't surprising, as you seem to refuse to allow people to speak of it. White elephant, much?

I find it interesting that you cnsider that screenshot to prove anything but exactly what I said. "I was banned because I belittled an immature admins necessary actions in his course of duty, which he considered to be above and beyond the call. I was banned due to my inability to such a massive injustice go."

I was not involved in that aspect of the argument, in fact if you would read what i wrote, I fully believe it was you or another admin that game RMM the land, hacking need not apply. Stop being so dense.

It seems to me that just about every high-level player in the server was calling for a discussion. Why would you attempt to push that into obscurity on the forums? Again with the "something to hide".

Are you daft, man? You should try looking before you leap. what an utter lie.

As far as I am aware an admin did not unclaim the warzone, I shall be regening the land when i get on.

All in all, I thank you for the screenshots, as they but prove you had no effective argument against us. In fact, I hear that after banning us you capitulated, because like the immature weasel you are, you couldn't stand to admit defeat. This is not a tolerable nor a desirable trait in an admin, and therefore you should be stripped of your duties.

End game.


Level 50
Staff member
Feb 16, 2011
I'm sorry, am I putting something out in a public forum that you wish to repress? I apologize.

http://aggression.bowlofnoodles.net/pages/rules/ BY NOODLE

  • -All complaints concerning a member of staff will be made to The Noodle via private conversation (pm).

Next time you accuse me of repressing something please actually read the rules page so that you can see it says contact Noodle for staff complaints. Also what brilliant suppression there is by NOT deleting this thread.

My faction isn't one of the major ones, as I said I'm new to the server, I didn't even know of the issue until later. Which isn't surprising, as you seem to refuse to allow people to speak of it. White elephant, much?

Again http://aggression.bowlofnoodles.net/pages/rules/ BY NOODLE

  • --This rule always applies, all reports and accusations will be handled on the forum. A player may only be called a hacker/cheater if a staff member has determined the fact.

This is why you got told to take this to the forum, a rule you ignored twice.

It seems to me that just about every high-level player in the server was calling for a discussion. Why would you attempt to push that into obscurity on the forums? Again with the "something to hide".

Again http://aggression.bowlofnoodles.net/pages/rules/ BY NOODLE

  • --This rule always applies, all reports and accusations will be handled on the forum. A player may only be called a hacker/cheater if a staff member has determined the fact.

This is why you got told to take this to the forum, a rule you ignored twice. Did an admin or staff member say they hacked? No? Because we don't have all the facts, and no solid proof is available yet,

Are you daft, man? You should try looking before you leap. what an utter lie.

Again http://aggression.bowlofnoodles.net/pages/rules/ BY NOODLE

  • -Do not abuse a staff member.

You seem to have ignored this rule to, you're on a public forum calling an admin daft.

The Noodle

Level 48
Aug 1, 2010
We have the accusation rule for a reason. People playing on the server, or joining it, do not need to be spammed by a random argument. This is what the forum is for.


Level 3
Jul 27, 2011
We have the accusation rule for a reason. People playing on the server, or joining it, do not need to be spammed by a random argument. This is what the forum is for.

This is correct, however, as one of the "joining" players, I see great a great injustice that I would desire to be immediately rectified as it is faced with insurmountable evidence. I don't know why that became such a drawn out argument, because even you had already given the go-ahead to regen the chunks involved. Something that should've been A-B-C became A-lkjjnasdfkavghrengcrocagcrghnragpcwmnghepvwaxqpBAN. -C.


Level 48
Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
I didn't help with this morning. but it wasn't a 'great injustice' that an update cause the plugin to' bork' and allowed warzone to be built on and claimed(according to Noodle). Also I am sure everyone whining about the RMM doing it, would of done the same if they had known (And most likely call Admin abuse what what seemed like a legit but questionable move was Regened.)

Also technically looking at the rules, it doesn't seem to be against the rules to claim that land if you can, sure it was a bug, but who would know better (Would be seen as 'Hey Admins changed something') But you did break the accusation rule, the caps rule, and the staff accusation rule.