RogueHobbes 2
Level 0
-Name: RogueHobbes
-Timezone: Eastern
-Do you Have TeamSpeak: Yes, but my mic is broken, so I can't talk, but I can still listen to instructions.
-If not can you get it: N/A
-If not why not: N/A
-Why you are interested in joining the
: Well, I was in Markham, and that closed down, so I wanted to find another army place to join. You guys seem like the best out of all the ones i researched.
-How you heard about the
: Saw it on Minecraft Forums.-Name: RogueHobbes
-Timezone: Eastern
-Do you Have TeamSpeak: Yes, but my mic is broken, so I can't talk, but I can still listen to instructions.
-If not can you get it: N/A
-If not why not: N/A
-Why you are interested in joining the
: Well, I was in Markham, and that closed down, so I wanted to find another army place to join. You guys seem like the best out of all the ones i researched.
-How you heard about the
: Saw it on Minecraft Forums.