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Riddles For when Your Bored Part 2.


Level 12
Jan 22, 2012
Ok, this is the new updated riddles page. I cant seem to figure out how to edit the last one, so I'll just make a new one :). Ok rules:

1) No Idiot comments (E.G. Racecarss aRe Racecars vroom vroom Racecar vrooooooooom vrooom)

2) No Racist comments

3) No giving out answers if you know them. If you figured it out, please don't post the answer, so other people can also figure it out themselves. Send a Conversation with the answer in it to the person who made it if you think you found it out, I don't care. Just don't post it on here.

4) Jokes are fine! Just don't make any racist, offensive, ect. ones.

5) Have Fun!

Im going to start off with a fairly common riddle. Ok here it goes:

There are two doors, door [A], and door . Door A leads to heaven/somewhere good, while door B leads to hell/somewhere bad. You don't know which is which. There are also two twins, Twin {1}, and Twin {2}. Twin one always tells the truth, while twin two always tells a lie. Again, with the doors, you don't know which is which. Now here is the catch. You can only ask one twin one question, and using that question you need to figure out which door is the right door. For example, asking "Is this the right door?" (while pointing to door A). Twin 1 would say yes while Twin 2 would say no. So you don't know the right door. So that would be a bad question.

Jul 17, 2011
Welol, if Garf's post was removed, then remove this one as well. But I found that riddle quite appropriate.

garfield32 said:
What's long, hard, and full of seamen

I'm not actualy going to give away the answer this time though.


Level 30
Jul 30, 2010
Riddle 1 Investigation

I've always been a slowpoke with riddles (trufax) but I'll just throw out my deductions.

There are two doors, door [A], and door . Door A leads to heaven/somewhere good, while door B leads to hell/somewhere bad. You don't know which is which. There are also two twins, Twin {1}, and Twin {2}. Twin one always tells the truth, while twin two always tells a lie. Again, with the doors, you don't know which is which. Now here is the catch. You can only ask one twin one question, and using that question you need to figure out which door is the right door. For example, asking "Is this the right door?" (while pointing to door A). Twin 1 would say yes while Twin 2 would say no. So you don't know the right door. So that would be a bad question.

To differentiate between the two doors and figure out which door is "Door A", otherwise known as the "good" door.

-Door A leads to heaven

-Door B leads to hell
-Twin 1 always tells the truth
-Twin 2 always tells a lie
-You may only ask one question to the twins

This is all assuming that we are unable to you know, open up the god-damn door and check for ourselves. Also, killing the twins seems like it would accomplish nothing.

Alright, so off the bat we realize that the one question you're allowed to ask the twins is the key to solving the riddle. You really only have one question and one question only. Ask the wrong question, and you're left with nothing, essentially screwing you over. You're unable to randomly pick a door and hope your lucky, as that isn't what the goal is. Using that question, you must figure out which one of the two doors is "Door A". Two doors, a goody-two-shoes, and a douche. The riddle doesn't really leave you with much to work with.

*It should be noted that there is no specified time limit, so a purely neutral option would be to sit there with your derpface on for all eternity. You can't win, but you also can't lose.

One of the biggest priorites in the beginning is not to figure out which door is which. It's the twins you need to figure out. You are unable to guess at the doors, and you must ask the twins a question. Any question you ask them will be met with an honest and dishonest answer. No matter what you ask them, the two are going to say the exact opposite.

In our heads, let's say we hypothetically use the same question that was used in the riddle: "Is this the right door?". We'll get two answers. "Yes" and "No". What happens then? You've wasted your question by asking a stupid question. You still don't know which door is "Door A" and which twin is telling the truth and which twin was lying. Now what the hell do we ask them if the second twin is going to be an asshole and blatantly lie about everything?

It's simple. There are two different questions we can ask them. Both will lead to the same outcome.

- We can ask them about something simple. Like, really simple. Something so overwhelmingly obvious that it'll be easy to tell whos telling the truth and whos lying by common sense alone.

ex. "What color is my shirt?"
(Must be wearing shirt)

- We can ask them something only you know about. Nobody else but you (and maybe a few close people) would know this information. The liar will throw out a random guess because, you know, he's a jerk. As for the one who's telling the truth, he'll give a generic "I don't know." This is also assuming the twins can't dodge the question. They have to answer.

ex. "What color is my underwear?" (Must be wearing pants. Underwear optional)

At this point, we have reached a breakthrough! You have discovered the twin who tells the truth, so you can shun the liar. Ignore him. Pretend he's not there.

What the hell man? I just used up my question!

True, but it isn't stated whether or not you fail the riddle by using up your question. You're still in the game. No worries. Let's review the info we now have.

-We have figured out which twin was "Twin A", otherwise known as the truth-teller.
-We still haven't figured out which door is which
-We have used up our question and we are unable to ask "Twin A" anything else.

What do we do now? What you always do in riddles. You find a loophole and abuse the shit out of it!
The riddle states you have one QUESTION. That doesn't mean you can't say anything else, as long as it isn't a question. Now you see where I'm going with this?

Rules said I can't post the answer, but technically I didn't put the answer in this post. :p