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Mediator Application-yellofello99


Level 10
Aug 6, 2011
Age: 13

Faction: RMM

Rank: Legend

Experience moderating: First of all, I would like to say hi. So hi, I am Christopher, although you guys know me as yellofello99. I have been on Aggression for 3-4 months now, and have been loving every second of it! You guys might not know me very well, and that is because I am generally quiet on the server, and ask a few questions here and there. But, I do talk in faction and alliance chat, know some of the Mediators and Moderators fairly well, and try to be as helpful as I can be. I try to welcome new players to the server and help out privates. I am fairly active on the server on weekends (2-4 hours a day), but since I have school on weekdays, I am only on for maybe 1 hour a day. I applied to the RMM but since no one responded, I joined Heavies, a short lived faction of me, Chemcel, and green something. But then I finally got accepted to the RMM and I joined them! They are a great group of people and really fun to play Minecraft with. Then, I bought Legend and a whole world of new commands was available to me. But, my chainmail got deleted on the 1.0 server reset, but that is a different story.

Now, onto my past moderating experience. I had been a mod on my old Minecraft clan for about a month, overseeing new recruits and stuff, and I was a mod on the server I made for me and my friends. My computer could barely handle it, but I got to know a lot of commands and stuff. Then, eventually that server crashed so I found a different server, this time for my clan, and became a mod on that server. I caught a couple of hackers before the server crashed, so I went on my friends server and still am moderator on their, but it is never up anymore.

Past punishments: None

Thank you for looking at my Mediator Application, sincerely yellofello99

EDIT: I also do not swear, curse, cuss, etc.


Level 32
Jul 18, 2011
You know some of the Moderators fairly well? I hardly know you, not sure about Sea. :p

Anyways, your application looks acceptable. Can you go into a bit more detail on your past experience? Do you have any other relevant information that could relate to the Mediator position? That's about all I could suggest you add, your application is already pretty good. ;)


Level 47
Jan 29, 2011
Thankyou for your application.

Unfortunately at this time we have just initiated our next round of Mediators, however I will refer to your application on our next staff roster change.


Level 47
Jan 29, 2011
I can't give you a solid answer to that sorry, but likely will not be, as shortly christmas break will start, and I will be away for quite a while.