Level 23
*Requested by The_Noodle*
- Voting for the server doesn't work
- No money for mob kills
- Able to /spawn in combat
- No /spawn time
- Combat logging works
- Can't open chests in enemy or ally/truced territory(Same with furnaces)
- Cost money to claim land for faction but money is not able to be made
- Half Built Spawn
- Mobs all spawn in one general area
- Very limited Warzone area(Allows Spawn bases to be build extremely close to spawn)
- No player shops
- No pvp warzone buildings(Not really an issue but more of a suggestion)
- No Mods/Mediators/Admins On 90% of the time
- /help is disabled
- Factions are less user friendly and harder to use for new players.
- Nether Disabled
- Boats Disabled (not sure if this was meant to be disabled)
- Creepers Damage terrain(could be an issue for getting into bases)
- Weather enabled(Causes alot of server lag for everyone)